Leaks can be an absolute nightmare for homeowners and business owners alike. Water damage starts small, but soon after, it is a massive problem that needs to be handled. If you neglect a leak, it can cause massive amounts of damage. This blog post will help you identify different water leaks, and will then explain why our blue dye is excellent for fixing the problem.

Have you ever wondered how much water you waste in a year? Collectively, Americans waste around one trillion gallons of water every year. The average household wastes close to 10,000 gallons annually.

Maybe you don’t live in an area prone to drought and don’t obsess over a few gallons of water slipping through the cracks. The truth is, water is a precious resource—we have access to less than 2% of the earth’s freshwater to use for drinking.

Leak detections play a vital role in helping households conserve water. In today’s post, we’re talking about blue dye tablets. If you suspect a leak in your home, read on, and explore how this simple tablet helps minimize the impact of wasted water.

Those Silent Leaks Will Get You Every Time

If you’ve not noticed random puddles on the floor or experienced a plumbing pipe burst, you might assume you don’t have a problem with leaks. The two main problem areas for wasting water are leaking toilets and dripping faucets.

That said, leaky pipes and water heaters cause a few of their own issues.

Out of all the sources for water leaks we’ve mentioned, only one doesn’t create drama (until it’s too late). A leaky toilet with a silent leak can carry on for days, sometimes weeks, without anyone noticing.

The problem with covert leaks is that by the time you realize you have one, you could have water seeping into floorboards. When that happens, you then not only have a toilet to repair, but a floor to replace.

Why is early leak detection so vital?

When dealing with plumbing problems around the home, a stitch in time truly saves nine. It may take months for minor dripping to turn into something worse. Once the damage starts to accelerate, it can quickly spell disaster for the property.

Leaks can cause immediate hazards, such as potential electrical fires. Meanwhile, damp can lead to mold and bacteria that may put your health at risk. When added to the fact that allowing the leak to spread can see the repairs become more expensive and time-consuming, the benefits of early identification are clear.

Early identification can only occur when you are vigilant to the first signs. The following symptoms all suggest that a leak may exist;

  • Water bills have unexpectedly started to climb.
  • You can hear audible dripping at nighttime or a few minutes after using taps.
  • Mold or damp spots have appeared in the home.
  • Your water meter is continually ticking.
  • Foundation cracks and other apparent damage has occurred.
  • Damp and musty smells in a localized area have become prominent.

If you suspect that there is a water leak within the property, those gut instincts are probably right. An immediate inspection is the only way to determine whether your concerns are right. Even if you haven’t noticed an issue, checking for leaks once every few months is a good habit to embrace too.

What Causes a Leaky Toilet

When it comes to toilets, two primary issues cause silent leaks.  The most common troublemaker is the flush valve system. Toilets also leak due to fill valve issues.

Let’s take a look at both.

Flush Valve System

If you look at the bottom of your toilet tank, you’ll find the flapper. Also called the flush valve ball, this essential component of a toilet forms a watertight seal unless it’s started to deteriorate.

A worn-out flapper or flush valve ball allows water to leak around it and into the toilet bowl. It might be the most common culprit, but it’s also the most challenging to detect because it causes a silent leak.

Fill Valve

You could develop a leaky toilet if you have a broken fill valve. Poor placement of the fill valve also poses a problem.

In the case of fill valves, you could have a shut-off valve that doesn’t close completely. Check your float—if placed too high, you’ll end up with a continuous water flow inside the toilet tank.

Some leaks result in a trickle of water running from the rim into the bowl, but that’s not always the case. It’s not unusual for the toilet to leak without any noise or noticeable water on the floor.

Your toilet might run continuously, or it might only run intermittently. It all hinges on what’s going on inside the tank.

Take a Dive Into the Tank

If you’ve tried removing the tank lid to inspect inside the tank, you may feel a bit overwhelmed.

Inside the tank, you’ll find:

  • Flapper
  • Chain
  • Float
  • Refill Tube

Don’t let the inner workings of a toilet intimidate you! You’ve seen one and you’ve seen them all (for the most part). The parts aren’t difficult to find or hard to replace, and in most cases, it’s relatively easy to tell if you have a defective or worn out component.

The silent leaks we’re focusing on in this article aren’t as straightforward as the structure and mechanics of the toilet where they lurk.

Blue Dye Tablets to the Rescue

One of the easiest and most cost-effective tools you can use when you start performing leak detections are dissolvable dye tablets. Leak detection tablets work best when used for leak tests in the flush valve system.

Leak detection tablets come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some are blue while others are red; all however perform the same task: they help detect water leaks in a safe and efficient manner.

How do blue dye tablets help?

Appreciating the need to gain control of leak detection is one thing, but achieving it is another altogether. Blue dye tablets are unquestionably one of the best assets at your disposal. Better still, they are small and signal an inexpensive investment. Blue dye works straightforwardly, and users need to;

  • Add one tablet to the water source, whether it be a toilet, water tank, or something else.
  • Wait for the tablet to dissolve and turn the water blue.
  • Run appliances or flush toilets as you usually would.
  • Look out for any bluewater spots on pipes, walls, and any other item that may require it.

Blue dye tablets are an excellent investment for several reasons. Perhaps most crucially, they remove any ambiguity as you will clearly notice blue water. Moreover, the color shows that your suspicions were right. Conversely, if the water is caused by an external issue, you’ll have already ruled out the leaks, which will naturally save you a lot of time and hassle.

The tablets don’t only confirm that a leak is present, but they show exactly where it is and clear up the extent of the damage. Once this insight is available, you will be perfectly positioned to respond in the right manner. Immediate action could mean containing the damage by not using a certain appliance or collecting water from the leak. Alternatively, you may be able to complete a temporary repair.

Furthermore, completing a more permanent repair or replacement becomes far easier when the full severity of the leak has been confirmed through the use of blue dye tablets. The fact that they can deliver clarity in a matter of minutes is a truly wonderful thing, making it a great investment for the sake of time, money, and sanity.

Who can use blue dye products?

Blue dye tablets are suitable for residential, commercial, and industrial properties of all shapes and sizes. Moreover, they will work regardless of the water hardness levels and can be used in toilet bowls, cisterns, and water tanks to ensure that the entire plumbing system is covered.

Therefore, blue dye is a fantastic asset for virtually everyone that has an interest in the property, including but not limited to;

  • Homeowners wanting to spot leaks.
  • Tenants that want to prove that a problem exists.
  • Landlords wanting to satisfy tenants and protect their assets.
  • Business owners who need to keep workspaces in top condition.
  • Project management teams responsible for this task.
  • Plumbers that are working on plumbing repairs.

Blue dye tablets are cheap, effective, and easy to use. Whatever your relationship with the property might be, take the first steps to leak detection by ordering your blue dye supplies today.

Where Blue Dye Tablets Can be Used


First, remove the lid from the toilet tank. Then remove any colored cleaning agents. You’ll also want to remove any bleaching solution.

Next, flush and clear the water in the bowl. Now add the blue dye tablet. If you have a leak in the toilet, the water will turn blue within 10 – 60 minutes.

Don’t forget to flush so that you remove any remaining blue color. Flush the remaining dye from the tank as soon as the test is complete.

If your toilet tests positive for color, you likely have a silent leak. Whether you’re a homeowner or property manager, leak detection tablets should be a part of your maintenance tool collection.

Faucet Water Supply Lines

It is always wise to know where your water line is located before digging around on your property searching for a leak or otherwise trying to pinpoint the cause of a leak. By doing so, you will avoid unnecessary digging around which can lead to the development of sinkholes and other types of safety hazards.

If you use leak detection tablets, start by checking the faucet water supply lines where they connect with the hot and cold supply lines on the valve stems. Take a look at where these connections are made with regard to each other; are they both at the same level and even? If not, check out the floor under each line to ensure that there are no leaks.

Once you have checked those areas, drop a blue dye tablet into your faucet water supply lines and wait about five minutes before checking again for leaks or signs of water running. This way you will easily be able to locate the water leak.

If you do indeed find a leak, check your supply lines and see if they have cracks in them that may or may not be visible to the naked eye. You will need to repair the supply line; however, before doing so turn off your water valve first.


A crucial part of your building functioning is the plumbing system. If the pipes are broken or cracked, they can rack up the damage expenses. You are going to want to find them and isolate them right away.

It doesn’t matter whether the plumbing is commercial or residential. Our dye is safe and usable in both areas. You can even use it in your own home. Just drop it into the water, and find where the dye is leaking.


Our blueing dyes can be used in pools as well. Often if a pool develops cracks or leaks, it can be pretty tricky to find the hole; however, using our water tracing dye tablets, you can locate the source of the problem.

Here are some steps to follow if you suspect a leak in the pool. First off, identify where you believe the crack or hole is located. Finding where it is might take some time, but if you have a general idea of where you are losing water from it will be much easier to pinpoint the crack.

Second, you are going to want to drop some blue dye near the suspected area. It’s important to note that you want to do this with the pool pump turned off. You are also going to want to make sure the water is completely still. After letting the water settle, put a blue dye tablet near the crack.

If the blue dye is sucked into the area of speculation, then you have a crack on your hands. The good news is that you located it, and now all you have to do is get it fixed.

Do Leak Detection Tablets Work in the Fill Valve System?

The process for finding leaks in the fill valve system, where leaks aren’t as easily detected as they are in the flush valve system. In this system, either a broken fill valve or one that’s not adjusted correctly.

Sometimes an installer will set the float too high. Another reason you could have a leak is that the shut-off valve doesn’t close all the way. At that point, water continues entering the tank and then moving to the overflow tube.

Detecting a leak in this part of your plumbing system isn’t difficult.

When you’re ready, pull the tank top off and observe the water. Is it flowing to the overflow tube once it enters the tank?

Blue Dye Tablets Make Leak Detections Easy

When you’re not 100% certain you have a leak in a toilet, dropping a blue dye tablet in the tank can reveal the presence of a silent leak. The tablets are quick-acting, which means you get the answers you need so that you can either repair the leak or replace the toilet.

You can avoid additional expenses related to water damage by checking for leaks in your home and taking the necessary steps to fix them right away. While using leak detection tablets is one way to pinpoint a water leak, you should also check other parts of your plumbing system and look for signs of leaks.

Using blue dye tablets is an easy and effective way to pinpoint leak damage that may otherwise go undetected for a long time. If you take the time to check your home regularly for signs of leaks or other water damage, you will save money by preventing a lot of unnecessary expenses.

If you have questions about blue dye leak detections, we’re here to help. Reach out to our team for help learning more about our product. You can also place an order at our secure online store.

Why Our Blue Dye?

Well, first off you already read about the different uses for blue dye, but let’s get a little more in detail about what makes ours great.

The “Rapid Blue Quick Dissolving Tablets” possess a bright blue color that is easily recognizable in water. A single bottle comes in at just under 10$, and it includes 100 tablets.

A quick tip: If you expose yourself or others to water leak detection tablets and the blue dye they contain, make sure that you wash them off your skin in a timely manner. If not, the dye may stain your skin; to remove the blue dye after it stains your skin, use several soap washes and take care of any blue-stained clothing by washing it separately as well. It is always wise to wear gloves when using these types of tablets to prevent any skin contact with the dye.